LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, October 18, 2020
LeeCARES met at Elm Creek Cafe. We congratulated a future new member and regular attendee for having obtained her Technician Class and her callsign. We renominated by acclamation the officers and Board Members. We discussed about activation procedures, chain of command, and rules of engagement included in the Lee Co. ARES Emergency Communication Plan. We also talked about different ways of communicating like Digital Mobile Radios, the Fusion system, and other digital methods. We discussed our Net Control class, the simplex exercise of November 14 as well as the Williamson County ARES Simplex exercise of September 19 and the results. We also decided to adopt a mapping software to be able to map stations, their altitude, and possible obstacles among them, and, if found satisfactory, the probability to use it during November 14 exercise. We also made a plan to write documentation to be used for grant writing. We terminated the meeting with a presentation by a member of his newly built homemade power box with two batteries capable to power several radios and other equipment, and be deployed in any weather.