LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, September 20,2020
LeeCARES met at Elm Creek Cafe on September 19, 2020. We congratulated members KI5DYC and KI5EAZ for upgrading their license and WB5YYQ for being net control for the first time and conducting a flawless net. After the business meeting we discussed general rules of engagement for deployment and activation, the WC-ARES Simplex exercise on August 29 and the upcoming WC-ARES Simplex exercise on September 19. A topography map software was introduced to the group. The software allows to locate stations and possible obstacles located between two or more stations transmitting, facilitating finding ideal locations for mobile units. We discussed the newly issued ID cards. We also decided on how to organize the upcoming Net Control class coming up in October. It was decided to have another Simplex exercise on November 14. We finished our meeting on a demonstration on the antenna analyzer Nanovna.