Lee Co. ARES Monthly Meeting, March 17, 2024
Lee Co. ARES met at the Lee Co ARES EOC for their March monthly meeting. It was announced that two new prospective members might join us in the near future. An updated was given on the recently purchased server, to be used for ARDEN and to broadcast on Internet SKYWARN Nets, as well as other equipment bought to improve our communications such as a new radio and tuner. An EmComm Trailer Day to update equipment in the trailer and hang cabinets was confirmed and a repeater day was also announced to repair the frame of the solar panels. Uniforms and embroidery were discussed. Lee Co ARES members considered options for the constantly increasing insurance costs for the trailer. The installation of the HF antenna at the EOC is still pendant upon the weather. Participation in the Red Poppy Race and the MS 150 races were discussed, and a contingency plan for Lee County during the eclipse was put into place as a couple of Lee Co. ARES members will assist Williamson Co ARES for the event.