Lee Co. ARES Monthly Meeting, April 24, 2022
After approving minutes and Treasury’s Report, Lee Co. ARES members discussed the progress on the ADRC grant by finalizing choices on the custom trailer and approving changes inside the van. We discussed the LCRA grant and the contractual agreement and a ceremonial check donation planned for Wednesday May 11.
We discussed the type accepted radios that are capable of transmitting on the local VFD/EMS frequencies in Lee County and the rules, regulations and authorizations to use these frequencies.
GrLevel 3 radar class and a second Net Control Class were discussed to bring all members up to speed in SKYWARN nets and regular nets. Another class to program repeaters was also discussed. All agreed unanimously to proceed with scheduling these classes.
The group was also informed of the upcoming exercises by the Red Cross, the Depart. of defense, and during Military Day.