LeeCARES Offers and Attends GRLevel 3 Radar Class
We Lee County ARES members would like to express our gratitude to Tim Steven K5TBS for teaching us GRLevel 3 Class on Saturday May 6, 2023 at the Lee County EOC. We learned about reading the Supplemental Adaptive Intra-Volume Low-Level Scan (SAILS), how to set up and use the GRLevel 3 weather radar, the basics about the radar, the modes and gains, what to watch for, the Allison House and what it has to offer, and how to recognize from the radar conditions for imminent threats such as those that lead to a tornado. This radar software will be soon installed on PCs in the EmComm trailer and i the EOC. We also analyzed the storm of the previous day that caused so much damage in Llano and Burnet counties and passed through Williamson and Lee counties. We were honored that the Lee Co. Emergency Coordinator and the Fayette County EC joined us for the class.