LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, July 19, 2020
LeeCARES met on July 19, at Elm Creek Cafe and welcomed guests at the meeting. We discussed a secondary or back up repeater also to be used in an EmComm trailer and voted to raise money to buy one taking advantage of programs available now. We presented the group with the finished LeeCARES banner. We announced Winlink trainings and FCC exams online and now again in person. We were presented with a donation by Lee County Sheriff Chief Deputy and LeeCARES member James Crocket of radios, antennas, analyzers, and other communications equipment as well as a 10,25,20,40 antenna presented by KW5J of Bastrop. We announced that the new date for building a power box, organized by WC-ARES, is October 17 at a location yet to be announced. We finally discussed a near future Simplex net exercise.