LeeCARES Monthly Meeting July 18, 2021
LeeCARES had a very long meeting. It was announced we gained an affiliated member from Williamson County. We heard reports from the Technical Committee discussing what kind of go-kit we want to build and what equipment we want to use. The Outreach Committee gave us a briefing on how to improve our performance at public events and on how to choose a more strategic location. Finally, the Finance Committee reported about financial structure we can adopt as we grow. The E.C. reported about her meeting the previous week with our Lee County Emergency Manager, the Emergency Coordinator of TDEM and the RACES Radio Officer of District 12 to start RACES in the County. She also reported of assistance from the City of Lexington toward equipping the Lee County EOC. A great part of the monthly meeting was about our current grant application and choosing several pieces of equipment for a detailed budget requested by the grantors. We also talked about other choices for van insurance and progress in that direction. We discussed battery safety, and training sessions to teach and learn how to solder, work with power poles, and learn about different antennas and radio.