LeeCARES Monthly Meeting August 16, 2020
LeeCARES met at Elm Creek Cafe. We welcomed a new visitor, and then discussed about the new repeater, its reach, its function and its range. The new repeater is on 147.24, 114.8 tone and positive offset. It will be our operations repeater. Our original, primary repeater, 147.22, 114.8 tone and positive offset, will be our resource repeater and remains our SKYWARN net repeater. We are considering different ways to train on the new repeater. We also talked about the WC-ARES Simplex Exercise on August 29 and organizing another one in Lee County later in the Fall when the tower erected at KD5BJ is finished. We also discussed future training at equipment and net control classes later in the Fall as well. At the end of the meeting members were welcomed to gain experience by working on the ongoing tower project, antenna, connectors etc.