LeeCARES June 20, 2020 Monthly Meeting
LeeCARES met on June 20, 2020 at Elm Creek Cafe. After welcoming two visitors, members shared information about new equipment built and FEMA certificates earned. We discussed again on possible fundraising and a priority list of items we want to acquire as the timing to go forward with the project might be mature. We looked at the latest banner design for LeeCARES and voted to order it.
We examined the donation of emergency communication equipment that we received from Sons of Hermann last week.
LeeCARES members will be participating in an HF exercise during the ARRL Field Day, next weekend using the LeeCARES callsign WD5LEE.
EC reported of a conversation and oral agreement with the Milam County EC about mutual aid.
Discussion of Future training during the summer months, turned to indoor training... they will include Winlink, Net Control, and GRLevel3 radar.
We finished the meeting with a demonstration on how to build a Buddy Pole antenna.