Lee County ARES Monthly Meeting, June 19, 2022
Lee County ARES met at Elm Creek Cafe on June 19. After a short business meeting the members discussed at length the progress of the EmComm trailer and the of the EmComm van. The EmComm trailer has been on the air already and all radios have been programmed and tested with the exception of the HF equipment. The trailer is on schedule to be ready by the end of July. The van is having cooling problems and those issues have been addressed. The Team Leader on project of the Emergency Operations Center laid out a blue print of the future ARES room and suggestions were offered. The EOC project members will discuss it further in the next few days before presenting the draft proposal to Sheriff Goetz.
ARES members are looking forward to meeting and supporting the new Lee County Emergency Coordinator, Gregory LeBlanc.
Plans have been made to exercise with the trailer and the van in the Fall. Expectations are high to participate in community events with both mobile units as well. The Technical Committee has tested new HF antennas. One has been selected for the trailer, more are tested. We started envision future exercises with Winlink Peer to Peer and simplex nets. Plans for a Fall Simulated Emergency Test (SET) exercise with ARES District 7 has been confirmed. A member helped another with his go-kit for digital modes.