Lee Co. ARES Monthly Meeting, May 15, 2022
Lee County ARES met at Elm Creek Cafe. We brought a U.S. Flag and we stood up honoring it with the Pledge of Allegiance after our usual moment of prayer. Many new pieces of equipment were discussed like the Digirig mobile and cables, new equipment bought by members, and we received a donation from one of the members of two monitors.
A Net Control class was announced for June, but because of school out, it was thought to postpone it to the Fall. We are still waiting for the instructors of the GrLever Class and the repeater programming class to let us know of their availability.
The trailer was bought and it is ready and members are going to pick it up in the following two days. A plan for the interior of the van was also announced with work starting the following week.
A Peer to Peer HF net on a quarterly base was proposed and approved, as well as a Simplex net between members QTH.
Finally, everyone went outside looking at the van and fine tuning the ideas already discus