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Risk Assessment for COVID-19

These categories are interim and subject to change. Please check often the website. This website is not intended to be kept current.

These categories may not cover all potential exposure scenarios. They should not replace an individual assessment of risk for the purpose of clinical decision making or individualized public health management.

State and local authorities have primary jurisdiction for isolation and other public health orders within their respective jurisdictions. Federal public health authority primarily extends to international arrivals at ports of entry and to preventing interstate communicable disease threats. Please follow all authorities’ guidelines and orders.


Table 1: Risk Categories for Exposures Associated with International Travel or Identified during Contact Investigations of Laboratory-confirmed Cases
Risk Level Geographic (Travel-associated) Exposures* Exposures Identified through Contact Investigation
High Travel from Hubei Province, China Living in the same household as, being an intimate partner of, or providing care in a nonhealthcare setting (such as a home) for a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection without using recommended precautions for home care and home isolation

(assumes no exposures in the high-risk category)

  • Travel from mainland China outside Hubei Province or Iran
  • Travel from a country with widespread sustained transmission, other than China or Iran
  • Travel from a country with sustained community transmission
  • Close contact with a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
  • On an aircraft, being seated within 6 feet (two meters) of a traveler with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection; this distance correlates approximately with 2 seats in each direction
  • Living in the same household as, an intimate partner of, or caring for a person in a nonhealthcare setting (such as a home) to a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection while consistently using recommended precautions for home care and home isolation

(assumes no exposures in the high-risk category)

 Travel from any other country Being in the same indoor environment (e.g., a classroom, a hospital waiting room) as a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time but not meeting the definition of close contact
No identifiable risk Not applicable Interactions with a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection that do not meet any of the high-, medium- or low-risk conditions above, such as walking by the person or being briefly in the same room.

*In general, geographic exposure categories do not apply to travelers who only transit through an airport.




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