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LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, September 15, 2024

Lee Co. ARES met at the Giddings Chamber of Commerce for their monthly meeting, We received a report that internet has been provided at the EOC; therefore, members will gather there to update their equipment. We are very thankful for Zochnet to provide internet in our ARES room so fast. The trailer is deployable and ready. Further minor embellishment updates are being done. The E.C. has taken the  role as the Outreach Committee Chairwoman and is in the process of preparing a calendar of events in Lee County to present to the public, and possible future Lee Co. ARES members, Lee county ARES and the Lee Co. ARES EmComm trailer. We have advanced in our quest to update the solar backup system at the secondary repeater, and a donor has sent a check toward this purpose. A discussion ensued to help members who need financial assistance to advance on their license to General or Extra and for possible future new members to get interested in Technician radio license.   Therefore, it was decided to donate to the Giddings Library books for Technician, General, and Extra licenses, and to plan a Standard Operating Procedures to assists financially members to attend classes on amateur radios or emergency preparedness out fo town. It was announced that the E.C. of Williamson County ARES resigned to concentrate as ARES District Emergency Coordinator. It was proposed to host Winter Field Day in Lee County inviting Williamson and Robertson County ARES. The E.C. revealed the future exercise to be held in October, following the directives of County Judge Malinak. On the November meeting we will be visited by the new Williamson County ARES who will talk to us about EMP go-kits. Finally, it was announced that classes for  General License will start next Saturday in Cedar Park, Texas..


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