LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, May 17, 2021
Lee County ARES had a very productive meeting in May. We welcomed a new member, and after a short business meeting, we discussed our recent participation to the Red Cross Exercise “Operation Unify,” and the upcoming Lee County Precinct 2 exercise. We hope that by then Net Control might transmit from the EOC. We prioritized our projects and we heard the first report from each new committee, the Technical Committee in charge of Go-Kits and Installation at EOC, the Outreach Committee, in charge to promote LeeCARES to the public and fellow amateur radio operators, and the Finance Committee. We announced that the Touch-A-Truck event in Georgetown will be hosted again this year at the Wolfe Ranch Center at the crossing of HWY 35 and HWY 29 and that WC-ARES has invited us to participate. We also reported of a great training on the GRLevel 3 radar presented by K5TBS at WC-ARES monthly meeting and recorded in Zoom. We started planning for Grimes Festival for which we applied for a spot and we discussed Field Day.