LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, April 19, 2020
LeeCARES dedicated the afternoon on Simplex activities in the back parking lot/area of Elm Creek Cafe, gladly helping the business with to go meals in these difficult time.
We were able to train on off repeater mock nets and net training and talk about the Wilderness Protocol, the Lee County Communication Plan, HF communications, and changed in atmosphere and sun black spots and how they affect HF communications.
We also tried to communicate with Williamson County operators, via repeater, off repeater from our vehicles with mobile or with HT with mag mounts, and finally to test communications via simplex from our own homes. Vehicle mobiles were not able to make contact with WC-ARES operators via simplex, but they were able to make contact through the Taylor repeater. We were able to communicate simplex from our homes.
We had very encouraging results and we will try to work simplex again soon, this time deploying go kits besides the vehicle mobile units and HF with mag mounts to try to reach again Williamson County ARES members via simplex.
We would like to wholeheartedly thank all who participated.