LeeCARES Monthly Meeting, April 18, 2021
LeeCARES had a very intensive meeting. It was reported that KF5PWN and KD5BJ appeared in front of the Lee County Commissioner Court to introduce and answer questions about LeeCARES for the approval of the MOU between LeeCARES and Lee County, Texas. The MOU was approved, and it was signed the next day by the ARES Emergency Coordinator and the Lee County Judge. It was also announced that LeeCARES was charged by the County Judge and the Sheriff to equip the Lee County EOC at the Sheriff’s Office for back-up communications and to start a “wish list” so that a line of budget can be added for the County back-up communications. It was also announced that we have been recipient of a considerable donations by three donors in cash and equipment, including radios, coax, antennas, and a 70′ Rohn tower. We discussed and reported our progress for participating at the Lexington Homecoming on May 1 and the Grime St. Festival in Giddings in July for public education and outreach. We heard a report on the upcoming exercise for mobile communications in Precinct 2 and discussed about all the data recorded for the exercise we held in Precint 4 last month. We finished with the adoption of our Strategic Plan. Our outmost gratitude goes to Larry Crabtree W5JVJ for mediating the plan.
We welcomed  three visitors, the Fayette County E.C., who introduced us to his plan to help us connected our 147.24 repeater with other ARES and with RACES repeaters, a former Lee County Deputy, and a very active Bastrop radio operator, who joined us at the end of the meeting.