Lee County ARES Monthly Meeting August 2023
Lee County ARES members met at the Lee Co. EOC to take a look of the new almost finished ARES room. After a short business meeting, they discussed the ARES room at the EOC and equipment such as headphones, stationary mics, and others. WB5YYQ gave the members a tour of the room. KI5QHC gave a demonstration of the ARDEN equipment, how it will be mounted on the tower and expected coverage area. The ARES family was thrilled to welcome a new member and newly licensed operators and helped him with the paperwork for applying to both ARES and RACES. KI5QHC gave also a presentation on APRS and explained the group plans for a solar backup power for the secondary repeater. Members discussed the upcoming solar eclipses and possibility of activation for the April 8 one. Members were also informed of the warranty repairs and improvement of the EmCom trailer.